Sports injury Rehab
Its stopping me from exercising and I need someone to tell me exactly what to do.

Acupuncture is an excellent way to help manage pain that has been there for a long time, or is related to feeling stressed and anxious.

Manual therapy
I can’t do the things I used to do and my flexibility is getting worse.

Sports Massage
I need to take some more time for myself and look after myself more.

I have aches and pains in my muscles/joints.

Kinesiology Taping
I have a muscle/joint strain/pull.
Since going to Gregor, I have had steady improvement and am now much more mobile and am no longer using pain killers.
Thank you Gregor
He has a friendly way about him, has a great sense of humour, and more importantly is very very knowledgeable which is so comforting. He also treated my daughter who got painful knees from horse riding and was quick to suggest referring her to the GP to get an x-ray.
I cannot recommend his services highly enough.